Professional Bio

Angelina Martinez

1108 Gent St, 91702

(626) 776 8474

Professional Bio

Angelina Martinez is a very capable woman having participated in many physical activities during sports and school activities. Ever since the younger times of Martinez, she has always excelled in sports achieving high praise and awards. She also has her eyes set on becoming a firefighter as she hopes to achieve her dreams of saving and assisting those in need. She acquired her GED at San Dimas High School in 2023 where she graduated with a high-grade status that led to awards and praise. During her years of high school academically she excelled in her grades achieving an average of 4.0 her entire 4 years in high school. Teachers and school staff members would give praise through awards for her merit, spirit, and work ethic and for demonstrating core values of the school's principles and rules. Martinez took sports medicine to achieve the certificate of possessing the means of AED and CPR credentials to operate on people in need.  Not only academically successful but in sports she would achieve the title of MVP for volleyball and softball. She would also go above and beyond with her community service hours to achieve the required 60 hours as well as achieving over the 60-hour requirement. Her goals after high school are to continue her softball career in college as well as to complete the requirements for her to attain an associate's and bachelor's degree in college. Martinez was recruited to play softball at La Mission where she plays and participates in academic duties and has her goals set to graduate with an Associate degree. After, she plans to transfer out to a 4-year university with the goals of continuing her softball career and graduating with a bachelor's degree in fire science. After college, she is set on becoming a firefighter to assist and save people's lives. Marinez is determined to become a firefighter she has an extreme work ethic by continuing to learn about the system and more about firefighting and to train her body physically to match the caliber of firefighters.


  1. I think it is very brave and honorable that you want to be a firefighter and save and assist those in need. You sound like a very capable woman indeed with a lot of drive and motivation towards your educational and professional goals. I like how you mentioned you would go over the 60 hours of required community service; it shows kindness and dedication to helping others. Usually when someone volunteers, they can't wait to finish once their hours are up. Having a 4.0 all four years of high school is really remarkable and impressive while being a student athlete. The levels of effort you go for your education are motivating.


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