Personal Bio My name is Angelina Martinez, but most people call me Ang or Angie. I graduated from San Dimas High School, and this is my first year at La Mission College. I'm currently majoring in fire science for firefighting. I am still deciding if I want to stay in the city and do medical or if I want just to do wildland firefighting. Some hobbies I enjoy are reading, watching anime/ Binge watching Netflix, and working out. A fun fact about me is I am currently playing softball for La Mission hoping to get transferred out to a 4 year and continue my softball Career. I was born in San Dimas but grew up and currently living in Azusa. Yes, I know I'm coming a long way, but I just couldn't miss out on the amazing softball program I am in right now, and I know it can get me to the next level. My message to my classmates is to work hard and not give up when everything becomes hard just keep pushing and you will succeed. Also, I wish you guys the best of luck during...
Hello Angelina! The puzzle pieces that describe how you perceive yourself now and in the future are very unique and interesting. By viewing the puzzle piece visual, I understand that this puzzle represents all the pieces that make you or your personality. The softball, volleyball, and the weights tell me that you currently perceive yourself as an individual who is very sports involved. The books tell me that you are currently a student or a person who enjoys reading books. The puzzle piece with the noodles also tells me that you view eating ramen noodles as a part of who you currently are. On the top of your page displays a firefighter and this tells me that you see yourself pursuing a professional career in firefighting in the future or maybe a similar career that can be related to firefighting. Overall, your puzzle piece displays a clear representation of how you view yourself today and what your dreams are for the future.